October 23, 2022Passage: 1st John 2:12-17Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: I am free from sin and adopted into the forever-family of God. I. Consider how far I have come in my walk with Jesus. (12-13) A. Encourage each other. B. Keep the gospel front and center. C. As I know Jesus more, I desire the…
October 16, 2022Passage: 1st John 2:1-11Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: When I experience the love of God in Jesus, I want to love like Jesus loved. I. The love of God is greater than all my sin. (1-2) A. Background. John 13:34 – 14:1 John 14:15-18 John 14:21-27, 31 John 15:1-17 B. I can be…
October 9, 2022Passage: 1st John 1:5-10Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Fellowship is restored when sin is confessed and we draw near to God at the foot of the cross. I. God has always been the revealer. (v. 5) A. He reveals Himself and salvation. B. He reveals my sin and His holiness. (John 1:4-5; 3:19-21;…
October 2, 2022Passage: 1st John 1:1-4Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: We should rejoice knowing Jesus lived and died and rose again. I. 1st John is a personal appeal for a firm confidence in Jesus. A. The author is John the Apostle, who wrote the 4th Gospel. B. John defends the church family against Gnostic heresies. …
August 28, 2022Passage: Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8; 1 Peter 4:7-11; Revelation 22:12Speaker: Pastor Ron LaegerMain Point: Part 3 – Deploying Your Spiritual Gift I. Background. A. DEPLOY = Bringing essential resources into effective action! II. How to Deploy Our Spiritual Gift/s? 1. Begin & understand the end in mind. The Great Commission…
August 21, 2022Passage: 2 Timothy 1:1-6; 1 Timothy 4:16; Romans 12:3-8; Ephesians 4:11-16Speaker: Pastor Ron LaegerMain Point: Part 2 – Developing Your Spiritual Gift I. Background. A. Paul’s in prison and his memories & desires are leaking out. The Last Will & Testament of a man on death row! II. How to Develop Our Spiritual…