Sermons by Josh Holland (Page 12)

Confident Walk (Genesis 28)

December 5, 2021Passage:  Genesis 28:10-22Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Don’t run in fear; worship Jesus, and walk confidently with Him. I. The Lord is my strength. (10-15)            A. God brings me to the place of greatest need.            B. God reveals his interest in my life.            C. In Christ I have God’s promise, presence and provision. II.…

Pain In The Flesh (Genesis 27:1 – 28:9)

November 28, 2021Passage:  Genesis 27:1-28:9Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  God’s grace allows me to live with confidence and without fear. I. Open my eyes of faith and stop blindly following the flesh. (v1-4)            A. Self-focus and favoritism are idolatry.            B. Isaac willfully disobeyed God’s instruction about Jacob. (25:23)            C. Respond to God’s revealed Word, rather than…

The Quiet Man (Genesis 26)

November 21, 2021Passage:  Genesis 26:1-35Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  God leads me through conflict, teaching me to rely on His blessing, promise and peace. I. In the face of hardship, focus on the promise of God. (1-11)            A. God guides me through trials, but I must respond with trust.            B. God’s blessing to me is based…

At the Ready (Nehemiah 4:1-23)

November 7, 2021Passage:  Nehemiah 4:1-23Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  We are ready to answer the call of our awesome God. I. God’s people face opposition when they do His work. (1-6)            A. People are not the enemy.            B. Respond to opposition in prayer and perseverance.            C. Have a mind for the mission. II. Respond with encouraging…

Blessed (Genesis 25:1-34)

October 24, 2021Passage:  Genesis 25:1-34Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Trust the good God, who blesses all who receive the Son. I. We are blessed with a righteousness by faith. (1-11)            A. Thank God and be a blessing to others. (cf. 24:1)            B. Salvation comes only through the promised Son (Jesus).            C. Have a faith in God…

Let The Lord Lead (Genesis 24:1-67)

October 17, 2021Passage:  Genesis 24:1-67Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  I follow Jesus wholeheartedly knowing God leads the way. I. Have confidence in God’s providence. (1-9)            A. Abraham’s plans were informed by God’s promises.            B. God directs those who trust and obey God’s Word.            C. Abraham illustrates God the Father who provides His Son a bride. II.…

Come to the Table

October 3, 2021Passage:  Genesis – RevelationSpeaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  God has set the table for us to have fellowship with Him. I. At the Communion table, I remember and respond. (1 Cor. 11:23-29)            A. I come looking upward to Jesus who died for my sin.            B. I come looking inward confessing sin against God and…

Passing Through (Genesis 23)

September 26, 2022Passage:  Genesis 23:1-20Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Faith in Christ gives me hope for the future and peace for today. I. Abraham wept as he mourned the loss of Sarah. (1-4)            A. Sarah is remembered for her outward and inward beauty.            B. Sarah is remembered for her faith in the God of grace            C.…

Faith Sees Through (Genesis 22)

September 19, 2021Passage:  Genesis 22:1-24Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Trials in life are overcome by obedient faith in God’s provision. I. How I view and respond to trials reveals my true faith.  (v 1-2)            A. Learn the difference between trials and temptations.            B. The lesson to trust and wait is followed by trust and obey.            C.…