April 26, 2015Passage: Romans 8:18-25Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: We are given a hope that will persevere. I. Our hope looks beyond this world. (v18) A. God’s kids share in Jesus’ suffering and glory. B. God’s kids understand suffering is temporary. C. God’s kids expect new, sinless bodies when Jesus returns. II. This world provides no…
April 19, 2015Passage: Romans 8:12-17Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: God’s presence within proves our relationship is restored. I. We are free from serving sin. (v12-13) A. Jesus has given us a choice. B. One leads to death and one to life. II. We are adopted by God. (v14-15) A. The Spirit’s presence proves friendship. B. The…
April 12, 2015Passage: Romans 8:5-11Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Those in Christ live by the Spirit of God. I. We live out the motivations of our heart. (5-8) A. We are driven by what empowers us. B. Without the Spirit it is impossible to please God. II. Believers are empowered by the Spirit. (9-10) A. With…
April 5, 2015Passage: Romans 8:1-4Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: God removes condemnation and provides righteousness. I. The Point—No Condemnation. (1) A. The judgment has been removed. B. The freedom is for those in Christ Jesus. II. The Power—The Rule of the Holy Spirit. (2) A. You were ruled by the law of sin and death. B.…
March 29, 2015Passage: Romans 7:14-25Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: The sin nature is at war with the spiritual but God has a plan. I. There is a battle within me. (14-17) A. The law is spiritual but the flesh is not. B. This is proven by my struggle. C. The behavior is explained but not excused.…
March 22, 2015Passage: Romans 7:7-13Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: God uses His law to lead us to Himself. I. The law exposes sin. (7-8) A. The law is a test revealing a rebel heart. B. Without the law sin remains hidden. II. The law condemns the sinner. (9-11) A. Without law the sinner thinks he is…
March 15, 2015Passage: Romans 7:1-6Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Our union with Christ results in fruitfulness of great worth. I. Marital law illustrates how death affects a covenant. (1-3) A. Law only governs the living. B. The covenant of marriage ends with death. II. The believer is now in union with Christ. (4-6) A. Death ended…
March 8, 2015Passage: Romans 6:15-23Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: No longer slaves of futile dreams, we serve the God of grace. I. We can be slaves of the ideas that seize us. (15-16) A. To understand grace we must understand ourselves. B. Slavish devotion is still slavish. II. The new center of our heart is the…
February 22, 2015Passage: Romans 6:8-14Speaker: Bill Knepper I. A believer in Christ is united with Him in His work. (8-11) A. We are united with Christ in His death and life. B. Jesus’ defeat of death is our assurance of life. C. Christ’s death was final and His life eternal. D. Those in Christ are…