July 12, 2015
Passage: Ruth 1:1-22
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: The sweetness of God’s love outshines the darkness of doubt.
I. Embrace the trials that come into your life. (v1-5)
A. Use trials to turn to God.
B. Use trials to show others what faith looks like.
C. Use trials to learn that God is enough.
II. Faithful love silences self-pity. (v6-18)
A. God’s loyal love invites you home. (v6)
B. Self-pity keeps us from sharing the invitation. (v7-13)
C. Entrance into God’s family is for all who believe. (v14-17)
D. Grace silences accusation. (v18)
III. God works drawing you closer to Him. (v19-22)
A. Use life’s trials to make you better, not bitter. (v19-20)
B. Eyes of faith will see God’s power at work for good. (v21)
C. Eyes of faith look for the God’s hand in every situation. (v22)