God’s Big Picture (Psalm 13:1-6)

June 24, 2018Passage:  Psalm 13:1-6Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  Trials teach me that I need Jesus. I. Seasons of pain are times to cry out to God.  (v.1-2; Psalm 14)            A. God hears me.            B. I need to be reminded of my true need.  (Psalm 2; Acts 2; 2 Samuel 7)            C. Cultivate a longing…

The False Prophet (Revelation 13:11-18)

June 17, 2018Passage:  Revelation 13:11-18Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Worship to God is freely given because of His great love for us. I. The false prophet serves the dragon.  (11)            A. He looks like a lamb but he sounds like a dragon.                        1.  1st beast is anti-Christ                        2.  2nd beast is the false prophet                        3.  Dragon…

The Man of Sin (Revelation 13:1-10)

June 10, 2018Passage:  Revelation 13:1-10Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  The Antichrist is the devil’s last grasp for glory. I. The beast is identified by his appearance.   (1-2a)  (2 Thessalonians 2:1-3)            A. He comes from the Gentiles.            B. He is the ruler foretold in Scripture.                        1.  Revelation 17:9-10 – The seven heads are seven empires.                         2. …

God is Enough (Luke 11:1-13)

June 3, 2018Passage:  Luke 11:1-13Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Faith is trusting God for anything and everything. I. God is the Rock on which we stand.   (1-4)            A. We seek His will.            B. We confess our sins to Him. II. Our faith rests in the character of God.   (5-10)            A. We are to pray with persistence.           …

The Dragon’s War (Revelation 12:11-17)

May 27, 2018Passage:  Revelation 12:10-17Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Persecution tests our conviction about Jesus’ promises. I. The forces of evil in the heavens are expelled.   (10-12)            A. Our salvation extends even to the heavens.            B. Jesus has defeated evil at its very core.            C. Although doomed the enemy rages on. II. The dragon rages against…

The Dragon is Evicted (Revelation 12:1-10)

May 13, 2018Passage:  Revelation 12:1-10Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Satan’s defeat is required for God’s restoration of righteousness. I. God’s mercy and judgment are perfect.  (11:19)            A. God’s mercy is in the Savior.            B. God’s judgment is in the removal of sin. II. God’s mercy provides a Savior.  (12:1-6)            A. The woman represents Israel and all…

Looks Like Mercy (James 2:5-13)

May 6, 2018Passage:  James 2:5-13Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  In Christ, we are freed from judgment and free to have mercy. I. All alike are precious to God. (v.5)            A. Adopt God’s perspective.            B. Don’t oppose God’s plan (for the lost).            C. We must love God and love others with a Jesus–shaped love. II. All sin…

Believable (Joshua 5:13-6:27)

April 29, 2018Passage:  Joshua 5:13-6:27Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  God reveals his plan so you can respond in faith. I. Let Jesus lead. (5:13-15)            A. We join Jesus in what He is doing.            B. Every battle should begin with worshiping Jesus. II. God has revealed his plan to us. (6:1-11)            A. We know how the…