February 9, 2025
Passage: Mark 11:22-26
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point: Listen to the heart of God and talk to Him about everything.
I. A relationship with God is based on faith in Christ. (22)
A. Faith is the required response to God’s revelation.
B. Trusting God always makes a difference.
C. Faith in God is an active lifestyle.
II. Effective prayer is based on a relationship with God. (23-24)
A. Pray like a kid. (cf. Mark 10:15; Matthew 7:11; 18:3-4)
B. Be sincere. (cf. Mark 12:39-40)
C. Keep at it. (cf. Luke 18:1-8)
D. Love God and others. (Mark 12:31-33)
E. Pray in harmony with Jesus. (Mark 14:35-36)
III. A relationship with God requires forgiveness. (25-26)
A. In prayer, the posture of the heart is important. (Luke 18:9-14)
B. A mark of having forgiveness is forgiving. (cf. Matthew 6:12)
C. Loving others is the fruit of loving God.