January 19, 2025
Passage: Mark 11:1-14, 20-22
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point: Have an each-day faith in God, resting and walking in Him.
I. Submit yourself to Jesus Christ. (1-6)
A. All things and situations belong to Him.
B. He has the right and ability to rule over all.
C. Listen to Him.
II. Persevere under your cross, like Christ. (7-11)
A. This was the declaration of a victorious king!
B. They wanted Jesus to fix their situations.
C. Jesus understood this was his entry into my death.
III. Expect the fruit of faith in Christ. (12-14, 20-22)
A. Jesus expects fruit from His people. (cf. Ephesians 2:10, Galatians 5:22)
B. Too many of us look good but are ruled by sin. (cf. Isaiah 5)
C. Faith is perspective, reaching, holding on, rooted and fruitful.