January 17, 2016
Passage: Mark 6:1-6
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point: Jesus desires simple and humble faith.
I. Respond to Jesus with faith.
A. People were amazed at Jesus’ teaching and power. (1:22, 27-28).
B. Jesus befuddled the Pharisees. (2:13-17, 23-28; 3:1-4)
C. Some people were frightened. (4:40-41; 5:1-17)
D. Still others responded with a fearful faith. (5:21-43)
II. Pride is the biggest obstacle to faith. (1-3)
A. Many think they know Jesus.
B. Knowing about Jesus is not enough.
C. Your response to Jesus reveals your heart.
III. Faith removes the obstacle to knowing Jesus. (4-6)
A. Faith does not rely on experience.
B. The power of God is accessed by faith.