Sermons by Josh Holland (Page 27)

Cultivate Contentment (Philippians 4:4-13)

May 8, 2016Passage:  Philippians 4:4-13Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  Contentment is learned by trusting in Jesus. I. Knowing Jesus enables you to have peace in all situations. (v 4-7)            A. Enjoy your relationship with Jesus.            B. Other people are not the enemy.            C. Remember that God is always in control. II. Walking with Jesus preserves…

Worship The Risen King (John 12:1-19)

March 20, 2016Passage:  John 12:1-19Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  Worship the King who meets your deepest need. I. The goal of the resurrection is faith.  (v1-11)            A. Resurrection is real.            B. Respond with worship.                        1.  Worship by welcoming Jesus.                        2.  Worship is surrender.                        3.  Worship reveals the heart                        4.  Worship is what Jesus wants II.…

Seeking Faith (Luke 19:1-10)

February 21, 2016Passage:  Luke 19:1-10Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  Jesus seeks those weary of striving and who want to believe. I. Jesus came so you would seek Him.  (v 1-4)            A. Zacchaeus’ hunger for money took him down the wrong path.            B. The Gospel message means to disturb worldly comfort.            C. Faith begins with the…

Amazing Unbelief (Mark 6:1-6)

January 17, 2016Passage:  Mark 6:1-6Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  Jesus desires simple and humble faith. I. Respond to Jesus with faith.            A. People were amazed at Jesus’ teaching and power.  (1:22, 27-28).            B. Jesus befuddled the Pharisees.    (2:13-17, 23-28; 3:1-4)            C. Some people were frightened.    (4:40-41; 5:1-17)            D. Still others responded with a fearful faith.  …

God’s Family Suffers Together (Hebrews 13:1-6)

October 25, 2015Passage:  Hebrews 13:1-6Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  Persecution is used by God to grow the Body of Christ. I. The enemy intends to separate you from Jesus.  (v 1-5)            A. Satan wants believers to be divided. (v 1)            B. Satan wants believers to feel alone.  (v 2)            C. Satan wants believers to be…

How the Weak Become Strong (Ruth 4:1-22)

August 9, 2015Passage:  Ruth 4:1-22Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  A great price has been paid so God can be your strength. I. Redemption is wonderful, but costly.            A. “To redeem” is to pay to set something free  (v1-4).            B. True love results in sacrifice  – it takes a loss  (v5-10).            C. You are redeemed so you…

The Strength To Rest (Ruth 3:1-18)

August 2, 2015Passage:  Ruth 3:1-18Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  The way to redemption has been revealed. I. We have been shown how to approach God.            A. God desires you.  (v.1-2)            B. Rejecting God’s authority  separates you from God. (v.3-4)            C. Believe God’s teaching.  (v.5-6) II. God will set you free if you ask him.            A. God…

Faith, Grace and Hope (Ruth 2:1-23)

July 19, 2015Passage:  Ruth 2:1-23Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Faith in God’s grace brings hope to heavy hearts. I. Faith responds to truth with expectation.  (v1-3)            A. God knows your story.  (v2)            B. God’s Word is true.  (v2)            C. Expect God to be active in your life.  (v3) II. Grace cannot be earned.  (v4-17)            A. Grace…

Embrace the Trial (Ruth 1:1-22)

July 12, 2015Passage:  Ruth 1:1-22Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  The sweetness of God’s love outshines the darkness of doubt. I. Embrace the trials that come into your life.  (v1-5)            A. Use trials to turn to God.            B. Use trials to show others what faith looks like.            C. Use trials to learn that God is enough. II.…