Sermons by Josh Holland (Page 24)

Living Faith (James 2:14-26)

July 15, 2018Passage:  James 2:14-26Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  A living faith walks and rests in Christ in all situations. I. God’s power for all your life is accessed with faith (v.14-17)            A. The Bible describes faith in God.                        1.  Faith is to go to God for rescue.                        2.  Faith is to lean on God for…

God’s Big Picture (Psalm 13:1-6)

June 24, 2018Passage:  Psalm 13:1-6Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  Trials teach me that I need Jesus. I. Seasons of pain are times to cry out to God.  (v.1-2; Psalm 14)            A. God hears me.            B. I need to be reminded of my true need.  (Psalm 2; Acts 2; 2 Samuel 7)            C. Cultivate a longing…

Looks Like Mercy (James 2:5-13)

May 6, 2018Passage:  James 2:5-13Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  In Christ, we are freed from judgment and free to have mercy. I. All alike are precious to God. (v.5)            A. Adopt God’s perspective.            B. Don’t oppose God’s plan (for the lost).            C. We must love God and love others with a Jesus–shaped love. II. All sin…

Believable (Joshua 5:13-6:27)

April 29, 2018Passage:  Joshua 5:13-6:27Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  God reveals his plan so you can respond in faith. I. Let Jesus lead. (5:13-15)            A. We join Jesus in what He is doing.            B. Every battle should begin with worshiping Jesus. II. God has revealed his plan to us. (6:1-11)            A. We know how the…

Riches & Rags (James 2:1-4)

March 18, 2018Passage:  James 2:1-4Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Faith in Jesus shines when you show mercy. I. Faith in Jesus and overlooking the poor are incompatible. (v.1)            A. Don’t let you faith in Jesus get distracted.            B. God’s justice is perfect and his mercy is perfectly free, to me.            C. Freely receive grace and freely…

Taking In and Living Out (James 1:19-27)

January 28, 2018Passage:  James 1:19-27Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Believing the right thing must result in doing the right thing. I. Welcome the Truth. (v.19-21)            A. Understanding God’s Word results in life change.            B. My anger fails to produce God’s work in me or others.  (Ephesians 4:26, Psalm 4:4, 37:8)            C. Surrender to the new life…

Perspective For Hope (James 1:12-18)

January 7, 2018Passage:  James 1:12-18Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Learn to recognize God in the midst of trials. I. Life’s trials make sense to those who learn to wait on God (v.12)            A. A future, eternal reward is for all who learn to believe in God.            B. Loving Jesus is where salvation begins. II. Persevering through…

Refined in the Crucible (James 1:1-11)

December 10, 2017Passage:  James 1:1-11Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  God wants you to understand that trials are for maturity. I. James was written to persecuted believers (v.1)            A. Grace transforms.            B. James’ message applies to all believers. II. Trials are the maturing process for God’s kids (2-4)            A. If trials are for my good, then joy…

And Then There Was One (Luke 17:11-19)

November 12, 2017Passage:  Luke 17:11-19Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  We worship with thanksgiving because Jesus saves us from sin. I. Healing is found in Jesus.  (v.11-13)            A. Leprosy in the Bible is a picture of the consequences of sin.            B. Jesus took the shame and death of sin upon himself.            C. Jesus has changed my…

Wait On The Lord (Acts 1:12-26)

September 10, 2017Passage:  Acts 1:12-26Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  Wait on God wholeheartedly because He is faithful. I. Wait expectantly.  (v 12-14)            A. Waiting on God is an act of obedience.            B. We wait for the return of Jesus Christ.  (Zechariah 14)            C. We pray because we expect God to keep His promises. II. Waiting…