Sermons on Matthew

Faithful Prayer (Mark 11:22-26)

February 9, 2025Passage:  Mark 11:22-26Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  Listen to the heart of God and talk to Him about everything. I. A relationship with God is based on faith in Christ. (22)            A. Faith is the required response to God’s revelation.            B. Trusting God always makes a difference.            C. Faith in God is an…

The Three Kings of Christmas – Part 3 (Matthew 2:1-23)

December 22, 2024Passage:  Matthew 2:1-23Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  Worship the King of kings who is risen, reigns and redeems. I. Worship Jesus as the beloved King of kings.  (1-12)             A. Herod was paranoid about his own power.            B. Take note of what you seek in this life.            C. The focal point of this…

Who is Responsible For Jesus’ Death? (Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19)

March 3, 2024Passage:  Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  My sin made the cross necessary and the love of God made it beautiful. I. The Roman soldiers had a part.            A. Crucifixion was brutal and humiliating.            B. They were just doing their job.            C. Even the ignorant need forgiveness.…

Why Do We Preach? (Various Passages)

September 10, 2023Passage:  Various PassagesSpeaker:  Pastor Rodney DeJagerMain Point:  Preaching allows us to understand and apply God’s unchangeable Word in our ever-changing world. I. God’s Word has endless wisdom.            (Matthew 13:52; 1 Timothy 3:14-17) II. The Holy Spirit is always speaking.            (Romans 10:13-14; Isaiah 55:10-11; Colossians 1:28) III. The world is always changing.            (2 Timothy…

Into Christ – Believer’s Baptism (Matthew 3)

August 27, 2023Passage:  Matthew 3Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  Baptism demonstrates and celebrates new life in Jesus Christ. I. What is Baptism and why is it important?            A. Baptism is the outward sign of an inward spiritual reality.            B. Jesus set the precedent and the precept to be baptized. (Matthew 3:13; 28:19)            C. The early…

City of the Great King (Luke 19:28-44)

April 2, 2023   Palm SundayPassage:  Luke 19:28-44; Matthew 21:1-11; Matthew 23:37-39Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  We worship triumphantly because Jesus paid a mournful price. I. On Palm Sunday Jesus mourned over people blinded by sin.            A. Jerusalem has always been connected with worshiping God.   (Genesis 14:18-20; Psalm 76:1-2)            B. We were also made to worship…

Why Do We Matter? (Matthew 28:18-20)

March 5, 2023Passage:  Matthew 28:18-20Speaker:  Pastor Rodney DeJagerMain Point:  We have words of eternal life for a world of dying people. I. Jesus has given us a message.            A. Revelation 7:9-10            B. Luke 8:14            C. Ecclesiastes 7:2            D. John 5:24; 6:40; 11:25 II. Jesus has given us a mission.            A. Matthew 28:18-20            B. Acts 1:8           …

Deploying Your Spiritual Gift (Matthew 28:19-20)

August 28, 2022Passage:  Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8; 1 Peter 4:7-11; Revelation 22:12Speaker:  Pastor Ron LaegerMain Point:  Part 3 – Deploying Your Spiritual Gift I. Background.             A. DEPLOY = Bringing essential resources into effective action! II. How to Deploy Our Spiritual Gift/s?             1. Begin & understand the end in mind.                The Great Commission…