June 30, 2013Passage: Matthew 16:1-23Speaker: Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point: God speaks to our hearts, but we must be willing to hear. I. Some people simply refuse to believe. (1-4) A. The Pharisees were testing Jesus. B. Jesus rebukes them and leaves. II. Some people are just slow to understand. (5-12) A. The disciples worry about…
June 23, 2013Passage: Matthew 15:21-39Speaker: Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point: God’s grace is for all, the Jew first and then the gentile. I. Salvation comes from the Jews. A. God has used one race to save a world. B. God has grace for all who believe. II. God’s blessings are for all people. A. The Lord…
June 16, 2013Passage: Matthew 15:1-20Speaker: Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point: Pride blinds but humility heals. I. Pride blinds. A. Pride blinded the Pharisees. B. Pride is the point of legalism. C. Pride replaces obedience to God. II. Humility heals. A. Food is amoral. B. Words reveal our true heart. III. Choose humility. A. Pride seeks to…
June 9, 2013Passage: Matthew 14:1-36Speaker: Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point: Trusting Christ daily leads to a life lived courageously. I. Some live in cowardice. A. Herod’s ego was large but his fear was larger. B. Many live with fear of others. II. We must grow in confidence. A. Jesus multiplies food to feed the crowd. B.…
June 2, 2013Passage: 1 Samuel 2Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: The sovereignty of God is a comfort to the believer. I. Sovereign means God is in control. II. The Bible teaches the sovereignty of God. 1 Samuel 2:6-1 1 Chronicles 29:11-12 Romans 9:14-18 A. Some feel a need to defend God. B. God is not the…
May 19, 2013Passage: Daniel 1:1-20Speaker: Joel Eyestone
May 5, 2013Passage: Psalm 139:7-12Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: God is everywhere so do not live in fear. I. Omnipresence means that God is everywhere. A. God is not spread thin. B. God is not pantheistic. II. The Bible teaches the omnipresence of God. A. He is up and down. B. He is east and west. …