October 6, 2019
Passage: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: Humble your heart as you remember Christ’s sacrifice for you.
I. Communion is about unity in the body of Christ. (11:17-22)
A. The church in Corinth was self-focused and quarrelsome.
B. The church is to be a safe place for disagreement and correction.
C. Communion expresses love for God and others.
II. Communion is about Jesus’ life in you. (11:22-26)
A. Recollection: I am thankful for what Jesus did for me.
B. Proclamation: I am dead to sin and now I live by faith in Jesus.
C. Anticipation: I keep focusing on Jesus until he brings me home.
III. Communion is about humility before God and others. (11:27-34)
A. Christians must do honest self–examination.
B. A loving father doesn’t disown, but disciplines his kids.
C. Hunger for more of Jesus and less of you in you.