November 26, 2017
Passage: Revelation 3:14-22
Speaker: Bill Knepper
Main Point: Jesus always speaks the truth, motivated by love.
I. Jesus is the Creator and the last word. (14)
A. Jesus is the Author of creation. (Col 1:16)
B. Jesus is faithful and true.
C. Jesus is the Amen, the “so be it,” the final word.
II. Jesus calls for a searching of the heart. (15-17)
A. The church is not effective and not dead.
B. The church is unaware of their needy state.
1. Wretched—
2. Pitiful—
3. Poor—
4. Blind—
5. Naked—
III. Jesus offers the cure to mediocrity. (18-19)
A. The cure is Jesus!
B. The discipline is in love.
IV. Jesus’ love is the motivation to obey. (20-22)
A. Jesus knocks seeking a reply to fellowship.
B. Those in fellowship will rule with Him.