December 15, 2024
Passage: Luke 2:1-3
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point: Hope in God alone who saves yesterday, today and forever.
I. Past, present and future belong to God.
A. Caesar Augustus was the greatest Roman Emperor.
B. God used Caesar to fulfill prophecy about Jesus.
C. The record in Luke is verified by history.
II. Luke proclaims Jesus as Savior and Lord.
A. Jesus’ advent is called Good News. (Luke 1:19; 4:18)
B. Jesus is called God’s Savior for the lost. (Luke 2:11, 30; 19:10)
C. Jesus’ appearance defeats death and provides true peace. (Luke 1:79)
III. God’s Son will reign as King forever. (Homework – read these two passages)
A. Psalm 2 predicts God’s Son who is King of kings.
B. Daniel 2 predicts a never-ending kingdom.
C. Both passages call us to worship God and His King.