November 3, 2019
Passage: Joshua 23:1-16
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: Victory is found as you worship the Lord.
I. Remember the power of the Lord still available to you. (v.1-4)
A. Israel’s rest is a picture of surrendering to Jesus for salvation.
B. Those who trust God learn that He never fails his people.
C. Take each day’s battle to the Lord in prayer.
II. Remember what the Lord has promised. (v.5-13)
A. Israel’s continued victory depended upon their faithfulness.
B. Conforming to the world can happen bit by bit.
C. Check your heart to see if God is your “go-to” for fulfillment.
D. God promises to discipline his kids. (Hebrews 12:4-11)
III. Remember to empower the next generation. (v.14-16)
A. The Gospel applies to everyone equally.
B. Praise God who can powerfully work in you! (Hebrews 13:20-21)