June 12, 2022
Passage: Genesis 43:15 – 44:34
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: God provides the Way to hope, heart-change and reconciliation.
I. God gives grace to free the guilty from their sin. (15-34)
A. The guilty bring the son in order to live. (cf. Revelation 3:20)
B. The guilty doubt the good intent of their host.
C. The guilty are showered with unconditional kindness.
II. God gives tests to reveal, reprove and reinforce. (1-17)
A. Tests reveal any growth in character.
B. Tests can correct how I see myself.
C. Tests help me understand God what God is doing.
III. God promised to provide an intercessor for His people. (18-34)
A. God moves me to boldly hope for redemption.
B. God prepared Judah’s heart for this moment.
C. God provides Jesus as the perfect substitute for [enter your own name].