The Faithful Will Be Rewarded (Matthew 24:32-51)

January 26, 2014
Passage:  Matthew 24:32-51
Speaker:  Pastor Bill Knepper
Main Point:  Those of faith should read the signs and stay faithful to the task.

I. The Lord’s return will be evident.  (32-39)
            A. Some will see the signs.
                        1.  There are general signs.
                        2.  There are specific signs
            B. Some will not see the signs.

II. The Lord will separate faithful from faithless.  (40-44)
            A. Some will be taken to judgment.
            B. Some will be left to live.

III. The faithful must stay faithful.  (45-51)
            A. The faithful will be rewarded.
            B. The  wicked will be cast out.


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