July 8, 2012
Passage: Matthew 5:1-16
Speaker: Pastor Bill Knepper
Main Point: The meek really will inherit the earth.
I. The Lord’s sermon shows God’s perspective.
A. Many interpretations have been offered.
1. Soteriological – how to be saved.
2. Sociological – how to change culture.
3. Penitential – for convicting of sin.
4. Ecclesiastical – how the church should act.
5. Millennial – how the kingdom will look.
6. Interim – how to live in light of what comes.
B. Relationship trumps religiosity. (Matthew 5:20)
II. The Beatitudes reveal proper attitudes.
A. A disciple is God’s tool to bless others.
1. The poor in spirit craves God’s truth.
2. The mourner laments the invasion of sin.
3. The meek are humble before God.
4. The hungry & thirsty seek God’s order.
5. The merciful are kind.
6. The pure in heart are transparent.
7. The peacemakers reconcile others.
B. You will be persecuted but God has a reward.
III. Godly attitudes will impact a fallen world.
A. Godly attitudes will open eyes.
B. Godly attitudes in secret will not help.