The Alpha & Omega (Revelation 1:1-8)

September 17, 2017
Revelation 1:1-8
Bill Knepper
Main Point:  
Jesus always speaks the truth, so listen.

I. Revelation is a challenging book for Bible students.
            A. The author is John.
                        1.  He was in the inner circle of disciples (Peter and James)
                        2.  He was a leader in the church and an Apostle.
                        3.  He was arrested and exiled to the island of Patmos.
                        4.  He was called a prophet (Rev 22:9)
            B. Revelation is written last. (approx. AD 96)
            C. There four major interpretations of Revelation.
                        1.  Preterest—everything has already occurred by AD 312.
                        2.  Historical—this is a panorama of church history to the end.
                        3.  Idealist—Nothing is real, it is a picture of good vs. evil.
                        4.  Futurist—Most of the book (4-22) is yet to be fulfilled.

II. Revelation comes to us from the throne room of God.  (1:1-3)
            A. The events will quickly take place.
            B. The prophecy is delivered faithfully to us.
                        God the Father  è Christ the Son è Angel è John è us
                        John declares the text is true and the Lord is real
            C. The purpose is to bless those who hear and obey.
            D. The events will soon take place.

III. This prophecy is to all the followers of Jesus Christ. (1:4-8)
            A. The Lord loves His church and will guide it.
                        1.  The seven churches stand for all of us.
                        2.  The message comes from the eternal One.
                        3.  The seven spirits stand for the fullness of God.  Isa 11:2
            B. Jesus will fulfill every promise He has made.
                        1.  Jesus is the faithful witness—He never deceived us.  John 14:2
                        2.  Jesus is the firstborn from the dead—eternal life.
                        3.  Jesus is the ruler of the earth’s rulers—No one is outside of His rule.
            C. We glorify Jesus because of His great love.
                        1.  Jesus loves us.
                        2.  Jesus frees us from our sin.
                        3.  Jesus exalts us to the priesthood of God.
            D. The world has been told that He is coming.  Dan 7:13; Zech. 12:10; Matt 24:30
            E. Jesus is the almighty God.


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