April 10, 2016
Passage: Romans 16:17-20
Speaker: Bill Knepper
Main Point: An open door policy means anyone can come in so stay alert.
I. The church serves on a battlefield. (v 17)
A. Some people exist to cause conflict. (1 John 2:13)
B. Be on guard for them
II. The church encourages a loving attitude. (v 18)
A. We are taught to consider other more important.
(Phil 2:3) (Than ourselves)
B. These kind of people prey on the naïve.
3 ways or techniques to attack the naïve:
1. Take the Bible out of context.
2. Seek private meetings to show “better” ways.
3. Attack what you trust.
(wolves in sheep clothing)
C. We are to avoid them.
III. The church advances in love with eyes wide open. (v 19-20)
A. We must serve the Lord with all our heart.
B. We must be both wise and innocent.
C. We must always keep the faith.