September 15, 2024
Passage: Mark 8:1-26
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point: Eyes of faith expect the power and provision of Christ.
I. I need the repeated lessons of faith. (1-10)
A. See Christ’s compassion for people.
B. See the power of God at work.
C. See Jesus as the solution every time.
II. “Open the eyes of my heart, Lord!” (11-13)
A. Seeing Jesus is the greatest gift.
B. Rejecting Jesus is the result a hard heart.
C. The heart of Jesus–hate: they loved sin more.
III. Increase faith and abolish pessimism. (14-21)
A. Watch out for tradition, worldliness and skepticism.
B. Trusting Christ produces optimism.
C. Reflect on the beauty and love of Christ.