March 18, 2018
Passage: James 2:1-4
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: Faith in Jesus shines when you show mercy.
I. Faith in Jesus and overlooking the poor are incompatible. (v.1)
A. Don’t let you faith in Jesus get distracted.
B. God’s justice is perfect and his mercy is perfectly free, to me.
C. Freely receive grace and freely give it.
II. James illustrates favoritism in the church. (v.2-3)
A. People are attracted to the image of the ideal.
B. People avoid inconvenience.
C. The Jesus of glory took on my shame and dishonor.
III. When you show favoritism, your shame is exposed. (v.4)
A. Jesus paid for my sin without condition.
B. Let your actions be motivated by mercy. (cf. Micah 6:8)