April 18, 2021
Passage: Genesis 12:10-13:18
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: God purifies my faith in trials that reveal His faithfulness.
I. A test of faith often follows a triumph of faith. (10)
A. The Bible is filled with lessons on how and why to trust God.
B. My faith needs to be tempered and tested.
II. God keeps bringing me back to the foot of the cross. (11-13:4)
A. Abram tried to control the circumstances.
B. My story is more about God’s faithfulness than my failure..
C. Return to the place of worship.
III. Trust in and focus on God’s life-changing grace. (5-18)
A. God teaches me to put Him first, others next and me last.
B. Don’t settle for what you see—live by faith, not sight!
C. Walk with God and enter into the satisfied life.