August 30, 2020
Passage: 1 Peter 4:1-6
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: Jesus ended sin’s hold on you, so live for God today.
I. All who are in Christ escape condemnation. (3:18-22) (review)
A. As Noah entered the Ark, so you need to enter Jesus.
B. Baptism is a picture of you being “placed into Christ”.
C. In Christ, you don’t fight for victory, you fight from victory.
II. Identify with Christ who suffered for your sin. (v.1-2)
A. Dead men don’t sin”.
B. Arm yourself with this thought: “sin has no hold on me”.
C. Are you driven by human desires or led by the will of God?
III. You are a new creation in Christ, now and for eternity. (v.3-6)
A. You are not controlled by your past. (Lamentations 3:23)
B. Don’t be surprised or defensive if the world rejects you.
C. For believers, physical death leads to eternity with Jesus.