April 23, 2023
Passage: Nehemiah 6:1-19
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point: I expect enemy opposition, but I know God will finish this work.
I. When we walk by faith, the enemy invites us to compromise. (1-4)
A. Almost done is not the time to let up.
B. Resist the invitation to “just get along”—stay salty!
C. Nehemiah was determined to work to the end.
II. When we stand firm, the enemy singles us out with slander. (5-9)
A. The enemy can use God’s people as rumor mills and gossips.
B. Respond to lies and accusations once and move on.
III. The enemy dilutes truth with lies and focus with fear. (10-14)
A. The enemy uses good things to steer us away from trusting God.
B. An identity based on God’s truth is my defense.
C. Learn to ask, “What does the Bible say about that?”
IV. Faith is established when we don’t compromise. (15-19)
A. Serving Jesus is not a project, it is life–long.
B. Confidence in man always withers, but God never disappoints.
C. Don’t rely on appearance, we are each a construction zone.