October 18, 2015
Passage: Romans 11:1-10
Speaker: Bill Knepper
Main Point: God’s purposes will succeed no matter what.
I. God’s eternal plans cannot be defeated. (v 1-2)
A. God has not rejected His people.
B. Paul is an example of a Messianic Jew.
C. God is God and His will, will be done.
1. Foreknow does not mean advance awareness.
2. Foreknow means to choose beforehand.
1 Peter 1:20 Jesus was chosen before creation.
Acts 2:23 Jesus was slain by God’s determined plan.
II. Flagrant unbelief does not keep God from working. (v 2-6)
A. Elijah saw dark days in Israel. (1 Kings 17-19)
B. But God still had a remnant.
C. He offers grace and some will choose it.
III. Those of faith see what others do not. (v 7-10)
A. The lost are hardened by their own choices.
B. The lost are consumed by the world.