October 9, 2016
Passage: Philippians 2:1-11
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: Jesus’ humility rules the hearts of God’s kids.
I. God’s family is characterized by love for others. (v 2:1-4)
A. God enjoys loving you.
B. Loving each other takes work.
C. Loving others takes humility.
II. God’s family follows in the footsteps of Jesus. (v 2:5-8)
A. Jesus put on humility.
1. He was not concerned with position.
2. God became man.
3. He became a servant.
4. He obeyed his Father.
5. He died on a cross.
B. Jesus wore my shame.
C. Put on Christ.
III. King Jesus leads humble hearts. (v 2:9-11)
A. The humble servant is King of all.
B. Jesus has authority to require humility.
C. God enjoys exalting the humble.