January 14, 2018
Passage: Revelation 4:1-5
Speaker: Bill Knepper
Main Point: Heaven is real and our blessed hope is the Lord’s coming for us.
I. The revelation moves from earth to heaven. (v. 1)
A. From this point forward the events are future. (1:19)
B. Eschatology is the study of future things.
1. Three broad terms define how people interpret the text.
• Pre-millennial
• Post-millennial
• A-millennial
2. There are three views within Pre-millennial.
• Pretribulation
• Post-tribulation
• Mid-tribulation
II. John first sees One sitting on a throne. (v. 2-3)
A. The One seated is like jasper and carnelian.
1. Jasper is like crystal. (Rev 21:11)
2. Carnelian is like ruby
3. These were the 1st and 12th on the breastplate. (Exodus 28:17-21)
B. A rainbow of emerald circled the throne.
C. The One seated is the Son and the Father.
John 14:9 “The one who has seen Me has seen the Father.”
D. The emphasis is on the glory of God.
III. Twenty-four thrones surround the Lord’s throne. (v. 4-5)
A. The elders represent the redeemed.
B. The crowns are symbols of victory (not royalty).