November 12, 2017
Passage: Luke 17:11-19
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point: We worship with thanksgiving because Jesus saves us from sin.
I. Healing is found in Jesus. (v.11-13)
A. Leprosy in the Bible is a picture of the consequences of sin.
B. Jesus took the shame and death of sin upon himself.
C. Jesus has changed my tune.
II. Faith results in obedience and worship. (14-16)
A. Jesus has declared you clean.
B. We worship Jesus as God.
C. Jesus transforms the worst sinner into the best worshiper.
III. God wants you to express your thankfulness. (17-19)
A. Thankfulness reveals the state of your heart.
B. God is seeking worshipers, not just workers.
C. Worship boldly because your salvation is complete.