October 16, 2011
Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:1-31
Speaker: Bill Knepper
Main Point: Every believer has a part in the body of Christ.
I. The church is many parts but one body. (1-14)
A. The test for membership in the body is faith in Jesus.
B. The church is made of many kinds of people.
1. There are different gifts but one Spirit.
2. There are different ministries but one Lord.
3. There are different activities but one God.
C. The Spirit of God gives gifts as He wills.
D. Christ is one and so is His body, the church.
1. We are all baptized into one body.
2. We are all made to drink of one Spirit.
II. All the parts of the body are needed. (15-26)
A. None are inferior.
B. None are superior.
C. We suffer with all, we rejoice with all.
III. God has perfectly put each part into the body. (27-31)
A. He has given gifts to help build the church.
B. Not everyone has every gift.
1. No one will possess all of the gifts.
2. No one gift is given to everyone.
3. The use of all gifts must contribute to unity.
C. Give preeminence to the helpful gifts.