Series: 1 Corinthians
Passage: 11:17-34
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: Humble your heart as you remember Christ’s sacrifice for you.
Series: 1 Corinthians
Passage: 11:17-34
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: Humble your heart as you remember Christ’s sacrifice for you.
September 1, 2019Passage: Psalm 42:1-43:5Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: When I feel far from God, I can draw near through faith. I. Long for God. (v.1-5) A. Life without God is meaningless. B. You were made to worship. C. Sin and suffering get in the way. II. Remember God. (v.6-11) A. God helps me worship…
August 4, 2019Passage: Psalm 51Speaker: Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point: God’s forgiveness is based on God’s commitment. I. God has committed Himself to us. A. He will complete His work in us. (Philippians 1:6) B. He will never leave us. (Hebrews 13:5) II. We often sin and deserve condemnation. A. David was a man who committed…
April 21, 2019Passage: Luke 24:1-12Speaker: Josh Holland
April 14, 2019: Palm Sunday, 2019Passage: John 12:1-19Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: Worship Jesus, the humble King given to you by God. I. Jesus is the anointed King. (1-11) A. He became a fragrant offering to God for my sin. (Ephesians 5:2; 2 Corinthians 2:14-16) B. The time to worship Jesus is now. II. Jesus is…
April. 7, 2019Passage: Psalm 118Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: We gather to thank God for entering into our world. I. God knows what He is doing. (v.1-14) A. We worship because we have been greatly blessed. (Ephesians 1:3) B. When crisis comes, don’t panic, wait on the Rescuer. C. In his distress, Jesus trusted His Father.…
November 4, 2018Passage: John 14:6Speaker: Josh Holland
July 22, 2018Passage: Matthew 7:1-6Speaker: Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point: Always speak the truth in love. I. Do not judge. (Matthew 7:1-5) A. Judging is pronouncing guilt or innocence according to your own standard. B. Jesus commands us not to judge one another. 1. The motive— (because we care) 2. The words— (do not use harsh…
July 8, 2018Passage: 2 Samuel 16:5-14Speaker: Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point: Whether the criticism is right or wrong, we need to be both tough and teachable. I. Accept criticism with tough skin and a teachable heart. A. Critics usually choose a bad time. B. Critics often use a poor approach. C. Critics always provide a chance…
June 24, 2018Passage: Psalm 13:1-6Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Trials teach me that I need Jesus. I. Seasons of pain are times to cry out to God. (v.1-2; Psalm 14) A. God hears me. B. I need to be reminded of my true need. (Psalm 2; Acts 2; 2 Samuel 7) C. Cultivate a longing…