Sermons on Jonah

Taught In Grace (Jonah 4:1-11)

August 13, 2017Passage:  Jonah 4:1-11Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  God gently teaches us that His grace is limitless. I. Draw near to God in difficult times.  (v 1-4)            A. Jonah is unflinchingly honest.            B. Don’t hesitate to bring your frustrations to God.            C. Jonah is unflinchingly stubborn. II. God is patient with His rebellious children.  (v…

Conquered By Mercy (Jonah 3:1-10)

August 6, 2017Passage:  Jonah 3:1-10Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  God’s invites you with unrelenting mercy to turn to Him. I. God’s mercy brings renewal.  (v 1-4)            A. God is a patient teacher.            B. God’s judgment wakes you up to sin’s consequence.            C. The message of judgment is about a merciful God. II. People hunger for truth…

Turning Point (Jonah 2:1-10)

July 23, 2017Passage:  Jonah 2:1-10Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  God is after you, teaching you to keep turning to Jesus who saves. I. God teaches you to turn to Him.  (v 1-4)            A. God cares about the direction of your life.            B. Jonah cared that God’s hand was personally against him.            C. Remember that you still…

Casting Off (Jonah 1:11-17)

July 16, 2017Passage:  Jonah 1:11-17Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Worship the Savior who paid the price for your sin. I. I cannot cast off my own sin.  (v 11-12)            A. Salvation from sin and death is the greatest human need.            B. Your sin has destructive effects on others.            C. Storms in life are used by God…

God’s Gospel Mission (Jonah 1:1-10)

July 2, 2017Passage:  Jonah 1:1-10Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  You cannot stop a God who does the impossible. I. People want proof, but God wants your faith.  (v 1-2)            A. The story of Jonah is true.            B. Jonah is a picture of humble Jesus offered for you.            C. Representing Christ in a broken world is your…