Sermons by Josh Holland (Page 17)

Tested and Trained to Trust (1 Peter 4:12-19)

September 13, 2020Passage:  1 Peter 4:12-19Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  God tests and trains us so we will trust him more. I. A Christian’s faith will be tested. (v.12)              A. Pain and suffering are normal in a fallen world.              B. Bearing the name of Christ will result in more suffering. II. Christians are rejoicing…

New Life Now (1 Peter 4:1-6)

August 30, 2020Passage:  1 Peter 4:1-6Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Jesus ended sin’s hold on you, so live for God today. I. All who are in Christ escape condemnation. (3:18-22) (review)            A. As Noah entered the Ark, so you need to enter Jesus.            B. Baptism is a picture of you being “placed into Christ”.            C. In…

All Fear is Gone (1 Peter 3:13-22)

August 21 & 23, 2020Passage:  1 Peter 3:13-22Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Faith in Christ results in fearless, grace-filled living. I. The solution to all fear, is fearing God. (v.13-17)            A. Don’t let unhealthy fear control your actions.            B. Following Christ in suffering brings opportunity for witness.            C. Good behavior is the best defense against unjust…

Amazing Unbelief (Mark 6:1-6)

August 9, 2020Passage:  Mark 6:1-6Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Jesus desires faith that is simple and humble. I. Respond to Jesus with faith.            A. People were amazed at Jesus’ teaching and power.  (1:22, 27-28).            B. Jesus befuddled the Pharisees.    (2:13-17, 23-28; 3:1-4)            C. Some people were frightened.    (4:40-41; 5:1-17)            D. Still others responded with a fearful…

Jesus on Display (1 Peter 3:8-22)

August 2, 2020Passage:  1 Peter 3:8-22Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Return ridicule with blessing so others will see and turn to Christ. I. God’s people are marked by peace, even in conflict (v.8-12)            A. When passions rage, God’s people show compassion.            B. Forgive.            C. Be a peacemaker.            D. Entrust yourself to God. II. We are God’s…

Unlocking Hard Hearts (1 Peter 3:1-7)

July 26, 2020Passage:  1 Peter 3:1-7Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Christ-like humility & submission are key to unlocking hard hearts. I. We are all called to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. (v.1a, 7a)            A. Jesus submitted Himself to the Father.            B. Father and Son have different roles but equal honor.            C. Jesus did not give…

Faith, Hope and Love (Romans 5:1-5)

July 5, 2020Passage:  Romans 5:1-5Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Our hope overflows in rejoicing and confidence because of Jesus. I. Have faith in Jesus who died and rose from the grave.  (v.1-2)            A. You can enjoy peace with God.            B. You can have full access to God right now.            C. You can always be hopeful about…

Called For This (1 Peter 2:18-25)

June 21, 2020Passage:  1 Peter 2:18-25Speaker:  Josh HollandMain Point:  Respond to suffering by walking in the footsteps of Christ. I. Serve God by patiently enduring personal injustice. (v.18-20)            A. Many in the early church were servants and slaves.            B. Keep your mind on God when suffering unjustly.            C. God will bring His solution to those…