Sermons on Jeremiah

Faithful God (Ephesians 1:3-9)

February 2, 2025Passage:  Ephesians 1:3-9Speaker:  Pastor Josh HollandMain Point:  Worship our faithful God  who saves us from faithlessness. I. Look for the fruit of faith.            A. God provides everything we need for growth.                 (Ephesians1:3-9; 2:10; cf. Isaiah 5:1-2)            B. The fig tree was a picture of faithlessness.             C. Israel failed to be fruitful for…

The Prophets – Jeremiah (627-585 BC) (Jeremiah)

May 22, 2016Passage:  JeremiahSpeaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Trust God even in the darkest hour. I. Running from God causes pain.            A. They oppress the weak.  (v 7:6)            B. They steal, murder and lie.  (v 7:9)            C. They worship idols and nature.  (v 7:18)            D. They sacrifice their children!    (V 7:31) II. God desires us to…

Jehovah-Tsidkenu: The Lord Our Righteousness (Jeremiah 23:5-6)

July 1, 2012Passage:  Jeremiah 23:5-6Speaker:  Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point:  The only standard is God’s standard. I. God is the standard for righteousness.            A. Tsidkenu means “righteousness.”  (Jeremiah 23:5-6).                        1.  The root word means “to be straight.”                        2.  The word developed to mean norm, standard.                        3.  Leviticus commanded judges to be truthful.            B. God is absolute…