The Incarnation of the Son of God (Genesis 3:15)

December 18, 2011Passage:  Genesis 3:15Speaker:  Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point:  Jesus Christ is fully God and fully human. I. The Old Testament presents the humanity of Christ.            A. The prophecies pointed to a man.  (Genesis 3:15)            B. The sacrifices pointed to a man.  (Exodus 12:5-7)            C. The types pointed to a man.  (Genesis 22:10, 13) II.…

The Eternal Son of God (Isaiah 7:14)

December 11, 2011Passage:  Isaiah 7:14Speaker:  Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point:  Jesus is eternal. I. Jesus is the eternal God.            A. Immanuel means God with use.  (Isaiah 7:14)            B. The Son is also the Mighty God.  (Isaiah 9:6-7)            C. The Son is also the Creator.  (Colossians 1:15-17) II. Jesus is the Son of God.            A. God is…

El-Elyon:  God Most High (Psalm 18:13)

December 4, 2011Passage:  Psalm 18:13Speaker:  Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point:  As a Christian, you are related to the Most Exalted Being over all creation. I. El-Elyon means God Most High.            A. He is powerful.  (Psalm 18:7-15)            B. He is dependable.  (Psalm 21:1-7)            C. He is alone.  (Psalm 83:18) II. God is opposed because He is Most…

The History Of Thanksgiving

November 20, 2011 (Sunday Service)Speaker:  William J. Federer William J. Federer is an American History expert and author of several books including Change to Chains and What Every American Needs to Know About The Qur’an.  Hewas our special guest Thursday and Friday night as well as the Sunday School hourSunday morning.  Also included is the audio…