September 22, 2024Passage: Mark 8:22-38Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Eyes of faith expect the power and provision of Christ. I. Jesus wants to heal my spiritual blindness. (22-26) A. Trust Jesus to be your guide. B. Trust Jesus to bring healing in His time and way. C. Trust Jesus who will finish His work in…
September 15, 2024Passage: Mark 8:1-26Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Eyes of faith expect the power and provision of Christ. I. I need the repeated lessons of faith. (1-10) A. See Christ’s compassion for people. B. See the power of God at work. C. See Jesus as the solution every time. II. “Open the eyes of…
September 14, 2024
September 13, 2024
September 8, 2024Passage: Mark 7:24-37Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Trust Jesus as your capable, powerful, caring Savior. I. Humble faith receives unlimited grace. A. Believe His Word. B. Persist in prayer. C. Accept your place. D. Know He finished the work. II. Jesus knows what needs to be done. A. Be open to God’s methods. …
September 1, 2024Passage: Mark 7:1-23Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Jesus removes sin’s weary load so we can walk by faith, not works. I. Stop doing life on your terms. (1-5) A. Self-focused living hates God. B. Stop saying you are a good person. C. Jesus did not come to save good people. II. A relationship…
August 25, 2024Passage: Mark 6:30-56Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Trust in Jesus as God and call on Him in all areas of life. I. There is no recess in the school of faith. (30-44) A. Be shaped by the compassion of Christ. B. Jesus exposes my powerlessness, so I can discover His power. C. Make…
August 4, 2024Passage: Mark 6:14-28Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Today is always the day to confess sin and live in forgiveness. I. God’s plan was for Jesus to deal with my sin. (14-20) A. Jesus is God’s promised love and mercy. B. Ignoring the conscience results in mental imbalance. C. Conviction of sin is God’s…