Are You Training Your Spiritual Senses Correctly? (Hebrews 5:7-14)

September 11, 2022Passage:  Hebrews 5:7-14Speaker:  Elder John Lawrence I. Bad News.  We had a Spiritual Stroke!  It was so bad that we died.  (spiritually)    –  What, you don’t remember?  That’s because it happened before you were born.         A. It happened with the first Adam when Adam sinned. (Romans 5:14)         B. Sorry, spiritual death became universal.…

Deploying Your Spiritual Gift (Matthew 28:19-20)

August 28, 2022Passage:  Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8; 1 Peter 4:7-11; Revelation 22:12Speaker:  Pastor Ron LaegerMain Point:  Part 3 – Deploying Your Spiritual Gift I. Background.             A. DEPLOY = Bringing essential resources into effective action! II. How to Deploy Our Spiritual Gift/s?             1. Begin & understand the end in mind.                The Great Commission…

Developing Your Spiritual Gift (2 Timothy 1:1-6)

August 21, 2022Passage:  2 Timothy 1:1-6; 1 Timothy 4:16;  Romans 12:3-8;  Ephesians 4:11-16Speaker:  Pastor Ron LaegerMain Point:  Part 2 – Developing Your Spiritual Gift I. Background.            A. Paul’s in prison and his memories & desires are leaking out.  The Last Will & Testament of a man on death row! II. How to Develop Our Spiritual…

Discovering My Spiritual Gift (Romans 12:3-8)

August 14, 2022Passage:  Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, 12-31; Ephesians 4:10-11;                 1 Peter 4:10-11Speaker:  Pastor Ron LaegerMain Point:  Part 1 – Discovering My Spiritual Gift. I. Background.             A. Matthew 5:16 – (Notice what will be the outcome of our good works).            B. Ephesians 2:8-10 (Notice how closely our salvation is related to the        …

Peter — A Lesson in Courage (Matthew 14:22-33; Matthew 26:68-75; Acts)

July 24, 2022Passage:  Matthew 14:22-33; Matthew 26:68-75; ActsSpeaker:  Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point:  Fear has been defeated by our resurrected Lord Jesus. I. We have know times of bravery.  (Matthew 14:22-33)            A. Peter showed courage by walking on water.            B. Our moments of courage are encouraging. II. We have known times of defeat.  (Matthew 26:68-75)            A.…

The Trust Of The Harvest (2 Timothy 1:3 – 2:7)

July 17, 2022Passage:  2 Timothy 1:3 – 2:7Speaker:  Elder Bill KettlewellMain Point:  Being an active part in the building of Christ’s Church. I. The Trust Given To Paul.  (1:3-12)         A. The reason for suffering.         B. Why no shame. II. The Trust Passed On To Timothy.  (v13-14)         A. Maintain Paul’s example of pattern of sound teaching.        …