January 31, 2016
Passage: Romans 14:13-18
Speaker: Bill Knepper
Main Point: Don’t let your freedom be the cause of another’s fall.
I. Don’t use your freedom to hurt another believer.
A. We decide not to cause another to stumble.
1. Stumbling block – unseen, unintentional (pay attention).
2. Pitfall – trigger, trap, intentional. Acts 10 and Galatians 2
B. We hold on to truth regarding our liberties.
C. The clean can become unclean for some.
II. Love compels us to consider our impact on others. (v 15-17)
A. We must place love above liberty.
B. We must guard our public message.
III. Our goal is serving Christ in everything. (v 18)
A. Sometimes the conflict involves a legalist.
B. But a legalist will not stumble.