December 27, 2015
Passage: Romans 12:17-21
Speaker: Bill Knepper
Main Point: See difficult people from God’s viewpoint and everything changes.
I. Problem people are a part of life. (v 17-18)
A. Do what is honorable toward everyone. (v 17)
B. Set your heart to be at peace with everyone. (v 18)
II. Jesus can handle problem people. (v 19-20)
A. Remember that God is the judge. (v 19)
B. His fiery coals are remorse for deeds done. (v 20)
III. Focus on the transformation God is doing in you. (v 21)
A. Don’t do the same old thing. (James 2)
B. Join the Lord in His campaign for souls.
C. Kindness can soften the hardest heart.