September 28, 2014
Passage: Romans 2:1-16
Speaker: Bill Knepper
Main Point: In humility, we see our great need for a great salvation.
I. The church has had some who were self-righteous.
A. God’s judgment is impartial based on truth. (1-5)
B. God’s justice is punishment or reward. (6-10)
C. God deals with all people the same. (11-15)
D. God reveals all at the final judgment. (16)
II. The church still has some who are self-righteous.
A. Spiritual arteries harden over time.
B. We compare ourselves to others.
C. We think God is a respecter of persons.
III. Pursue Christ alone with all your heart.
A. Understand how essential is your forgiveness.
B. Grasp how desperate is your need.
C. Stand in humble thankfulness.