October 28, 2018
Passage: James 4:1-6
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: The bride of Christ sets self aside and follows Jesus at all costs.
I. God’s family should be known for a uniting, selfless love. (v.1-2)
A. Conflict within the church is rooted in self–pleasing.
B. Recognize the enemy as your sinful nature, not other people. (Romans 7; Matthew 5)
C. Subject every desire to your greatest ally, Jesus.
II. We belong to Jesus, as a bride belongs to her husband. (v.3-4)
A. Desire God above all else.
B. To belong to Jesus is to be rejected by the world.
C. The world spurned and rejected Jesus.
III. Conflict in God’s family is resolved through humility.
A. God’s Word warns us against pride and worldliness.
B. God rewards humility with unmerited favor.