October 1, 2023
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point: God gives me opportunities to examine my heart in the light of His Word.
I. I am called to Gospel stewardship. (v.1-4)
A. The Gospel record of life transformation speaks for itself.
B. God tests me to grow and improve me.
C. Today is a good day for motivation examination.
II. Communicate the Gospel with God’s nurturing heart. (v.5-9)
A. God’s love involves sacrifice.
B. Understand God’s Word with the goal of explaining it.
C. Learn when to invest yourself and when to get out of the way.
III. Communicate the Gospel with God’s teaching mind. (v.10-12)
A. Communication is more than words.
B. Believers need training and instruction.
C. God continually calls me to live for Him—to glorify Him.