December 8, 2024
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Point: Hope in God alone who saves yesterday, today and forever.
I. God is carrying out His promise to save and restore.
A. Cyrus was named over 100 years before his birth.
B. God uses unbelieving rulers to do His will.
C. Prophecy gives us hope for the future.
II. Fulfilled prophecy causes me to acknowledge God.
A. Cyrus foreshadows the coming of Christ.
1. He is a type of Christ: foretold, “shepherd,” restoration.
2. He causes the House of David to return to the Land.
3. He decrees the rebuilding of the Temple.
4. He brings restoration to Jew and Gentile alike.
B. Study scripture to do it and to teach it. (Ezra 7:10)
III. Keep looking for Jesus.
A. The Old Testament has a cliffhanger ending.
(Malachi 4:1-6 and 2 Chronicles 36:22-23)
B. Someone is going to build a temple.
(cf. 2 Samuel 7:13; 1 Corinthians 3:9; 1 Peter 2:5)
C. Turn the page and worship Jesus the Messiah!