April 10, 2011
Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:1-3
Speaker: Bill Knepper
Main Point: God’s grace is beautiful against the backdrop of sin.
I. Corinth was a city of lost people.
A. The city was busy.
B. The city was populous.
C. The city was ungodly.
II. The gospel won hearts to Jesus.
A. Aquilla & Priscilla became followers of Christ.
B. Justus & Crispus became followers of Christ.
C. Sosthenes at first opposed then believed.
III. The people learned the doctrine of faith.
A. Paul was an apostle.
1. An apostle is chosen by God.
2. An apostle is an eyewitness of the resurrection.
3. An apostle speaks with authority in the church.
B. The saints are sanctified.
C. Grace & peace come from God.