October 17, 2021
Passage: Genesis 24:1-67
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: I follow Jesus wholeheartedly knowing God leads the way.
I. Have confidence in God’s providence. (1-9)
A. Abraham’s plans were informed by God’s promises.
B. God directs those who trust and obey God’s Word.
C. Abraham illustrates God the Father who provides His Son a bride.
II. Keep being amazed at God’s providence. (10-49)
A. Unite your plans with prayer and watchful expectation..
B. The proper response to God’s provision is heartfelt worship.
C. The servant looked for a woman of good character.
D. The servant depicts the Spirit who seeks and prepares the bride.
III. Choose God’s providence. (50-60)
A. Rebekah represents the church chosen for Christ.
B. Don’t delay your decision to choose the Promised Son.
IV. Stay alert for God’s providence. (61-67)
A. Isaac depicts Jesus’ birth, sacrifice and His return for the church..
B. Read the Word, talk to God and wait on Him for his leading today.