April 25, 2021
Passage: Genesis 14:1-24
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: Faith opens my eyes to God’s leading, provision and victory.
I. The world looks good, but it is filled with endless turmoil. (1-12)
A. Faith in God provides a solid foundation.
B. You can be transformed by God or conformed to the world. (Romans 12:2)
C. Because of sin, I am weak and in need of rescue.
II. We have a calling and mission in this world. (13-16)
A. We are to be separate from the world, but not isolated.
B. Be peaceful, but prepared for conflict.
C. Our battles and our weapons are spiritual. (Ephesians 6:10-19)
III. In the end, it is about what or who I worship. (17-24)
A. A real battle is being waged for my heart and mind.
B. Respond to the provision of a holy, yet loving God.
C. Jesus transforms me into a worshiper of the Most High.
D. The victory that has overcome the world is our faith! (1 John 5:4)