June 16, 2019
Passage: Joshua 4:1-24
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: Take note and take time to recount the greatness of God.
I. Intentionally remember what God has done. (v.1-18)
A. God takes the time needed to prepare his people.
B. God wants people to trust him through hearing His story.
C. The stones remind me of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
II. God made you to tell his wonderful story. (v.19-24)
A. God uses ordinary people in his extraordinary story.
B. There is no Rock like our God! (Deuteronomy 32:4; 1 Samuel 2:2)
C. You are living stones, declaring the greatness of God. (Ephesians 2:19-22;
1 Peter 4:4-5)