December 20, 2020
Passage: Matthew 2:1-12
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: Seek Jesus, surrender to Him, and love Him wholeheartedly.
I. Seek Jesus as the King of my life. (v.1-2)
A. Honor Jesus as king.
B. God is sovereign in all my circumstances.
C. Identify parts of my life where I reject Jesus as king.
II. Jesus challenges idols of status quo and control. (v.3-8)
A. Jerusalem’s leaders loved what they had too much.
B. Bible knowledge doesn’t save.
C. They loved their place in this world and missed loving Jesus.
III. Enjoy worshiping Jesus. (v.9-12)
A. Walking in faith results in peace and joy.
B. The magi worshiped the King meaningfully.
1. We proclaim Jesus as King – gold.
2. We worship Jesus as God – frankincense.
3. We are sobered and thankful for Jesus’ death – myrrh.
C. Love Jesus with all you are, all you have and all you do.