January 15, 2017
Passage: Colossians 2:20-23
Speaker: Bill Knepper
Main Point: Maturity comes through Jesus.
I. The believer is changed from death to life by faith in Jesus. (20)
A. The believer has died with Jesus.
B. The believer becomes a new creature in Jesus.
C. The old “elemental forces” are now dead.
1. The bondage of ignorance is now dead.
2. The bondage of superstition is now dead.
3. The bondage of self-talk is now dead.
II. The rules of the world deal with passing things. (21-22)
A. Some teach godliness is earned by rules.
1. Don’t handle! Some things are unclean.
2. Don’t taste! Some things are impure.
3. Don’t touch! Some things are forbidden.
B. The things the rules regulate are all temporary.
C. The whole system is the doctrine of men.
III. This system of rules only appears to have wisdom. (23)
A. They say self-denial is the way to God.
B. They say self-abuse is the way to God.
B. God says He loves you this much. John 3:16.